Dr Danielle Hristova is a Research Physician.


Dani has over 18 yrs experience in drug development and running clinical trials, including trials in menopausal patients. Her special interest is focused on menopause, perimenopause and individualised menopausal treatments.  Dani also has experience in mental health and is trained as a CBT therapist.



Dr Georgina Taylor-Adriaansen (CPsychol), is a Psychologist and Co-Founder of Minds Thrive.


Georgina has dedicated her career to supporting people with mental health struggles within the NHS and privately.  Her comprehensive understanding of various mental health challenges across different age groups is based on her work with a variety of conditions including anxiety, depression, trauma, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, emotion regulation difficulties and eating disorders. Georgina also has a strong interest in neurodiversity, having experience working in the neuropsychology team she also advocates for neuro-informed ways of working across services.




Ruairi MacManus is a Musician with a vision for music and wellbeing.


Ruairi has departed the corporate world to pursue his passion in music and wellbeing, see the MacManus Music Project. Through his singing groups we have witnesses the power of his initiative of addressing issues with mood and wellbeing, by building connection in communities through music. Ruairi shares with us his extensive knowledge and experience of how music affects us neurologically, physiologically, and psychologically.


Ruth Ryden (CPsychol) is a Psychologist and Co-Founder of Minds Thrive.


With a desire to help people with mental health struggles, Ruth has worked diligently as a psychologist in the NHS and privately for many years.  She wanted to expand her outreach, to find a way to support as many people as possible and consequently she co-founded Minds Thrive with Georgina.  Throughout her career she has worked with a variety of presenting struggles, but her specialist interests are in trauma, depression, emotion regulation, interpersonal difficulties and anxiety disorders.  She is also interested in how neurodiversity affects experiences of mental health and how therapists adapt therapies to meet differing needs.  Post qualification she trained, practiced and supervised in a variety of therapeutic models and likes to explore and understand how they can be applied to help people.   


Individual Access

Corporate Enquiry